Aged Care Standards in Focus: Standard Two – Ongoing Assessment & Planning with Clients

In this series of articles we look at the new Aged Care Standards that commenced from 1st July 2019.

Following on from our article on standard one for the new aged care standards, here we look at standard two.

Standard 2: Ongoing assessment and planning with clients

I am a partner in ongoing assessment and planning that helps me get the care and services I need for my health and well-being.

CentacareCQ undertakes initial and ongoing assessment and planning for care and services in partnership with the client.

Assessment and planning has a focus on optimising health and well-being in accordance with the client’s needs, goals and preferences.

Purpose of the Standard

This Standard describes what CentacareCQ needs to do to plan care and services with our clients. The planned care and services should meet each client’s needs, goals and preferences and optimise their health and well-being.

While some clients might have some challenges with their health and abilities, they still have goals they want to achieve, roles that have meaning, and want to live as well as they can.

It’s expected that CentacareCQ will work in partnership with our clients to understand what is important to them.

This means we need to listen to what they want and look at what they can do (their abilities).

CentacareCQ will then focus on planning care and services to ensure that our clients can still get to where they need to go, do what they need to do and have opportunities for participation and growth.

The plan needs to be regularly reviewed so that changes in our client’s health or abilities are picked up. Care and services are identified and put in place to minimise the impact of any loss of ability, and support consumers to live their day-to-day lives with dignity.

Read more: Our Aged Care Services

CentacareCQ offers a wide range of aged care services across Central Queensland. These services are designed to assist and support people to live independently and safely in their homes for as long as possible.

Find out more

Your feedback is important to us

Do you feel CentacareCQ has met, exceeded or fallen short of this standard?

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