Safer, faster & better ways to pay
Posted on July 15th, 2020
CentacareCQ is helping you pay your bill in faster, better & safer ways.
The Benefits
- Our cash-free options are quick and easy to use
- You can track your payments and keep control of your transactions
- Payments can be made from the comfort of your home – no need to make a special trip to pay your bills
Please note: We are no longer accepting payments of any kind on-site.

Card Payments over the Phone or Online Payments by Card
You can make your payment with a credit or debit card by:
- Calling us on 1300 523 985
- Visit us online at (click on the ‘PayWay website tab and it will take you through to the payment form)

Direct Deposit
Make your payment directly into CentacareCQ’s Bank Account.
Please use BSB 034-210 Account Number 250249

Pay directly from your own Bank Acount
- Chose when, how much and from which account to pay from
- Make your payments online or via the BPay app.
- CentacareCQ’s Biller Code: 209890

Fixed Rate Direct Debit
Let us help you organise your payment schedule from weekly, to fortnightly or monthly.
Call us to find out how we can arrange this payment option for you.

Variable Direct Debit
Your payments are deducted from your nominated bank account on the 15th of each month for the prior month’s charges.
Call us to find out how we can arrange this payment option for you.

Cash Deposit
Cash can be taken to your local bank and deposited into our bank account.
Please use the following details: BSB 034-210 Account Number 250249.

This service can be set up through Centrelink.
Please use CentacareCQ’s Reference Number: 555 098 430V.
Please kindly always use your 6 to 8 digit Customer Reference Number when making payment for CentacareCQ’s team to identify your deposit.
For further information or if you have questions please call 1300 523 985 or click here to contact us