Take time out to colour

You always have time for the things you put first”

Why is life always in such a damn hurry? Wouldn’t it be nice to just slow down once in a while? With this Mental Health week activity that’s just what we’re suggesting you do!

Take some time out to enjoy the simply joy and focus that comes from colouring in a picture. (We bet some of you haven’t done this since you were a child!). We’ve got a selection of four images for you to download, print and colour in.

We’d love to see your finished works of art too, so please take a photo and post them in comments section of the Workplace post or send it direct to communications@catholiccarecq.com. You can also use the form below to submit your sheets.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t keep it within the lines and never lose focus of the fact You can be both a masterpiece and a work in progress.

Submit your masterpiece

Take a photo of your finished coloured sheet and upload it using the form below:

Max. file size: 128 MB.
Take a photo of your coloured sheet and upload it here.

Other Activities