Dementia Together is a wellness retreat and education based program that provides dual-care to anyone living with the early stages of dementia and their carer.

Providing advice and practical training, the program empowers people to remain in the comfort of their own home for as long as possible.

Developed as a two night retreat, participants join other carers and people with a recent dementia diagnosis in a supportive peer environment.

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The retreat and education program focuses on:

  • Understanding and managing dementia
  • Accessing community care services
  • Looking after oneself
  • Planning for the future
  • Managing dementia-related behaviour changes
  • Transition into respite care
  • Continuing to participate in enjoyable activities
  • Managing physical changes in mobility, continence, and communication

To register your interest, call 1300 523 985 or click the button below.

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Upcoming 2024 Dates

8th – 20th – The Haven, Emu Park

23rd – 25th – Coolwaters, Kinka Beach

27th – 29th – The Haven, Emu Park

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