Compassionate Communities Directory
The term “Compassionate Communities” is used world wide to describe localities that encourage and develop a whole-of-community culture focused on caring networks and the social and emotional support of dying people and their families. It’s aim is in reducing the load on individuals and the health system and contributing to a sense of wellbeing at the end of life.
The CCDA Compassionate Communities Service Directory provides information and connections to resources that are available to support those preparing for their own death and also wanting to maximise their quality of life, alongside the families, friends and communities around them.
About the Directory
Compassionate Communities are built on what is known as the 95% rule, which acknowledges that a person dying spends about 5% of their time in the last year of life face to face with a medical professional, and that the remainder of the time, 95%, is spent with friends, family, community, online or unfortunately alone.
The Capricorn Community Development Association (CCDA) CQ Compassionate Communities Service Directory was sparked by work undertaken by the Central Queensland, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast PHN and Groundswell. It was collated to ensure a place based approach to identifying resources, services, information and community support that may assist and connect, those in palliative care and their supporters, and others experiencing or forward planning their own end of life journey.