Domestic Violence Awareness Month – May 2020

During the month of May, CentacareCQ will focus on Domestic Violence Awareness Month to draw attention to what is sadly a widespread area of concern across the country and the wider world.

Domestic and family violence effects people of all ages, race, gender and culture.

Each week, a person is killed by their current or former partner in Australia alone. Sadly the statistics about domestic violence and sexual assault are horrifying; in Queensland, 45% of murders occur within a domestic or family relationship.

A total of 152 women, men and children have been killed, between 2010 to 2014 alone as a result of domestic and family violence. In Queensland, between May 2018 and May 2019, 11 people have died as a result of domestic violence. On average, one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner. (Stats from:

Rates of violence against women and men

Since the age of 15:


  • 1 in 5 Australian women had experienced sexual violence
  • 1 in 6 Australian women had experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or former partner
  • 1 in 4 Australian women had experienced emotional abuse from a current or former partner
  • 1 in 3 Australian women had experienced physical violence


  • 1 in 22 Australian men had experienced sexual violence
  • 1 in 19 Australian men had experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or former partner
  • 1 in 7 Australian men had experienced emotional abuse from a current or former partner
  • 1 in 2 Australian men had experienced physical violence
It is more likely for a person to experience violence from a male than a female perpetrator.
Over 3 times as many people experienced violence from a male.

[Information courtesy of ‘Violence against women: key statistics’, Australia’s National Research Organisations for Women’s Safety [ANROWS] 2014.]

Support from CentacareCQ

CentacareCQ provides supports and services to adults, children and young people who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic and family violence.

These confidential services are offered at our Emerald site, and via outreach to surrounding areas.

Find out more

Other Support Organisations

There are a range of other organisation that provide support services and useful information you may find helpful.

In an emergency dial triple zero – 000.

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