Pssst it’s flu season – don’t pass it on!

CentacareCQ staff across the region are doing their part this week to help mitigate the rate of other flu virus infections this flu season by receiving their vaccinations. This will help to protect themselves, their families and our clients!

Even in the face of taking a needle our team carried on smiling, but this may have been more to do with the lolly-pop they received after the injection was given!

Whilst these vaccinations unfortunately do not provide protection or immunity to the COVID-19 strain of the Coronavirus, they do protect against many other common strains of the flu virus and are considered critical to protecting the general health of Australians from influenza, which can take between 100 to 1,000 lives per year depending on the severity.

Staff around the region took up the offer of the vaccination, paid for by CentacareCQ, with family members also being offered the injection at a discounted rate.

This vaccination will allow our staff to carry on providing our essential services across the region, also providing peace of mind that whilst maintaining vigilance and good hygiene practices to prevent contracting and spreading Coronavirus, they are protected against a whole host of other flu viruses!

The Department of Health is recommending that all Australians — and especially those in vulnerable groups or age brackets — should arrange vaccination against seasonal influenza.

To read more about how CentacareCQ is providing our key services during the Coronavirus outbreak please click here

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