Looking after your health and well-being

INCREASED susceptibility to falling is one of the most serious problems associated with aging.

Approximately one third of people aged 65 years and over living in the community, fall at least once a year, with up to one fifth of these people suffering multiple falls.

There are many factors that can contribute to falls, some are changeable, others are not.

Risk factors for falls

  • previous falls
  • poor balance
  • fear of falling
  • home hazards (For example: dim lights, clutter or slippery mats)
  • blood pressure
  • poor vision
  • bladder issues
  • medications
  • muscle strength in legs
  • numbness or pain in feet

It has been shown that by changing these factors the risk of falling can be significantly reduced.

CentacareCQ provides Falls Risk Assessments and are conducted by the Case Manager at each admission or review of a Home Care Package.

Those screened as a high risk then have strategies for falls prevention discussed with them.

These strategies may include:

  • Attending a Falls and Balance Clinic
  • Having a medication review by their General Practitioner (GP) or Pharmacist.
  • Attending a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist
  • removing or decreasing home hazards

CentacareCQ Mackay has commenced a partnership with a local exercise physiology clinic for falls prevention.

Through their Home Care Package, clients attend blocks of 12 sessions including an initial assessment, and then attend the ‘gym’ at their convenience.

The ‘gym’ involves Balance Stations – an exercise circuit designed to improve lower limb strength, coordination,, balance and endurance.

All exercises are designed to have practical implications for the clients lives.

I feel really motivated and more confident about achieving my goal. I feel comfortable at the gym with all sorts of like-minded people. I have enough bought new shoes and socks! I’d love to see others attend – it makes you feel good about yourself. – Satisfied client Lola Andrews.



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