Aged Care Standards in Focus: Standard One – Consumer Dignity & Choice

In this series of articles we look at the new aged care standards that commenced from 1st July 2019.

Starting with the first standard, also known as the Foundation Standard there are seven important concepts to remember:

  • Dignity and respect
  • Identity, culture and diversity
  • Cultural safety
  • Choice
  • Dignity of risk
  • Information
  • Personal privacy

Standard 1: Consumer Dignity & Choice

As a client of a provider of care services I am treated with dignity, respect and can maintain my identity. I can make informed choices about my care and services, and live the life I choose.

CentacareCQ has a culture of inclusion and respect for consumers and supports consumers to exercise choice and independence respecting consumers’ privacy.

Intent of this requirement

People are all shaped by personal characteristics, experiences, values and beliefs. Aged care consumers have the same diversity of characteristics and life experiences as the rest of the community.

Each consumer has social, cultural, language, religious, spiritual, psychological and medical needs that affect the care, services and supports they need.

No two consumers’ lived experiences are the same. What is respectful or dignified for one consumer might not be for another. This means organisations need to take the time to listen to and understand each consumer’s personal experience. They need to work with consumers in an inclusive and respectful way, using a consumer-focused approach.

It’s important for an organisation to address diversity, whether or not a consumer has told them about their unique life experiences or characteristics. Using strategies to support the organisation’s commitment to diversity helps consumers to feel confident sharing their identity and helps the workforce to see them as a whole person.

Read more: Our Aged Care Services

CentacareCQ offers a wide range of aged care services across Central Queensland. These services are designed to assist and support people to live independently and safely in their homes for as long as possible.

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