Aged Care Standards in Focus: Standard Seven – Skilled & Qualified Workforce

In this series of articles we look at the new Aged Care Standards that commenced from 1st July 2019.

Standard 7 focuses on the staff employed by CentacareCQ. There is an expectation that CentacareCQ will supply suitably knowledgeable, capable and caring staff to our clients. As part of that – CentacareCQ need to ensure that staff are appropriately trained (externally and internally) to perform duties.

Standard 7: Skilled & Qualified Workforce

I get quality care and services when I need them from people who are knowledgeable, capable and caring.

CentacareCQ has a workforce that is sufficient, and is skilled and qualified to provide safe, respectful and quality care and services.

Purpose and scope of the Standard

This standard requires an organisation to have and use a skilled and qualified workforce, sufficient to deliver and manage safe, respectful, and quality care and services, which meet the Aged Care Quality Standards.

This Standard includes four key concepts:

  1. The sufficiency of the workforce – Organisations providing care and services are expected to have enough skilled and qualified staff to meet clients’ needs. Organisations are responsible for using Australian Government funding to make sure they have the staff numbers and mix of skills needed to provide clients with quality care.
  2. The attributes, attitude and performance of the workforce – The workforce needs the right skills, qualifications and knowledge. They are expected to be able to do their job effectively and be able to communicate and build positive relationships with consumers. A focus on consumer-centred care encourages the right interactions with clients to find their strengths and understand their goals.
  3. Organisational support for the workforce – Organisations should respect their workforce for their diverse skills and qualities. They need to support them to deliver the outcomes the Aged Care Quality Standards describe. Organisational support means that the service gives the workforce the time and the tools needed to deliver quality care to clients every day.
  4. Assessment, monitoring and review – To meet this Standard, an organisation needs to regularly assess, monitor and review its workforce through an effective human resources system. This includes the workforce makeup, suitability and performance. This is vital to delivering safe, respectful and quality care and services that meet clients’ needs and preferences.

Read more: Our Aged Care Services

CentacareCQ offers a wide range of aged care services across Central Queensland. These services are designed to assist and support people to live independently and safely in their homes for as long as possible.

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