National Disability Insurance Scheme
What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a single, national scheme that funds reasonable and necessary support to help people with disability reach goals throughout life. The NDIS is the new way of providing individualised support for people with a permanent and significant disability, their families and carers. The NDIS takes a flexible, whole-of-life approach working with participants, their families and carers, to develop individualised plans.
The NDIS provides participants with more choice and control over how, when and where their supports are provided. It also provides certainty that they will receive the support they need over their lifetime. The NDIS works to connect participants with community and mainstream supports. The NDIS also funds the additional reasonable and necessary supports to help participants pursue their goals and aspirations, and participate in daily life.
Who is eligible for the NDIS?
The NDIS will support people up to age 65 who have significant and permanent disability which means they need assistance with everyday activities. This includes people whose disability is intellectual, cognitive, neurological, sensory, physical impairment or psychiatric conditions.
You are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) if you:
- Are under 65 years of age, and
- An Australian citizen or resident or permanent visa holder, and
- Meet the disability or early intervention requirements.
If you aged 65 years and over you will not be eligible for the NDIS. In most cases, you will receive support through the Commonwealth aged care system.
We can help you to navigate the NDIS
CatholicCare have experienced case managers in Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Mackay and Blackwater sites available to help individuals, families and carers to assist every step of the way to ensure you have the necessary support and assistance to achieve your needs and goals to enable you to live as independently as possible.
We can help you with the following:
- The NDIS application process.
- Preparing you for your NDIS planning meeting.
- Providing support to you with your individual plan or with the plan for the person you support.
- Getting person centred help, tailored to meet your individual needs and the supports funded in your NDIS plan.
When can you access the NDIS?
The NDIS is being introduced in stages, because it’s a big change and it is important to get it right and make it sustainable. Existing service users and new participants will enter the NDIS progressively.
In Queensland, the NDIS will be rolled out geographically. People will move to the NDIS at different times depending on where they live.
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