Become a business supporter TODAY!

School Savvy would not be possible without the valued support, donations and kindness of businesses and members of our local community.

100% of donations go towards helping the children of struggling families be back-to-school ready.

Your valued support enables School Savvy CQ to provide uniforms, stationery and back to school haircuts to children from local families during a week of pop-up shops across the Central Queensland region.

YouTube video

Supporter Contributions

Supporting partners are welcome to get involved in a number of ways:

  • Donating cash
  • Donating uniforms
  • Donating new school stationery
  • Donating services or skills (for example offering haircuts)

Supporter Benefits

Doing a good deed is priceless but we understand the needs of business to demonstrate a return on investment beyond social benefit.

A selection of supporter benefit packages are listed in the downloadable brochure for your consideration. These packages demonstrate how far your money will go, and the assets and promotional items your business will receive in return.

Download 2024/25 Supporter Prospectus

For more information about the School Savvy program please call 1300 523 985 or email